About Mary Soco

Me declaro amante de la gastronomía mexicana y entusiasta de la tecnología. Cree Cocina Muy Fácil allá por 2010. En Twitter @MarySocoOrtiz.

Mashed potatoes. Recipe

A couple of months ago a reader asked me how to make smooth mashed potatoes and I realized that I hadn't publish the recipe, although it's one of those dishes than we often eat at home. After all, is the perfect accompaniment to red meats and even fish. Also, I have not yet met who do not like it. If we want to achieve a smooth and creamy mashed potatoes instead of a dry and crumbly, then there are some little secrets that begin with choosing good potatoes. In Mexico, we are fortunate that our fields produce about 20 types of potatoes. For our purposes, we must look for white potatoes with flat and thin shell, taking care that they aren't very new, as these [...]

Chicken and celery. Recipe

Surely I'm not the only one who's this happened. I buy a brunch of celery for a recipe that only uses a pair of stalks and I ended with a large remaining celery. When that happens, I do not hesitate to make a chicken salad with celery, apple and walnuts, because personally I enjoy more raw celery. And sometimes I make this recipe for chicken and celery, a recipe that has only two main ingredients, so it's also easy and inexpensive. When is freshly made, the flavor of our chicken and celery is not very strong, but if we do it overnight we'll find that the flavor is very intense, so those who like celery will love it. To make the flavor and experience even [...]

2020-02-09T14:51:59-06:00By |chicken|

Strawberry yogurt loaf cake. Recipe

Many of you know that I like to bake bread at home, as well as it's simple, it's tasty, and allow us to better control the quality of ingredients we use. This time, taking advantage that we can still find some fresh strawberries, I share with you the recipe for this delicious strawberry yogurt loaf cake. It's a moist loaf cake, thanks to the strawberries, but rather we can change them by fresh blueberries or blackberries. It's not too sweet bread, not beyond the sweetness that berries provide. It's wonderful the coloring that they give to the bread. Imprimir Panqué de yogur con fresas. Receta Autor:: Mary Soco - cocinamuyfacil.com Categoría: Desserts Tiempo de Preparación:  10 mins Tiempo de Cocción:  45 mins Tiempo Total:  55 mins Porciones: 12 [...]

2020-02-09T14:51:59-06:00By |Cakes and Pies, Desserts|

Creamy chicken with spinach and corn. Recipe

The following recipe for creamy chicken with spinach and corn is very easy and quick to prepare, also it's very nutritious, light and cheap. It's for those days when you want to eat something delicious, but do not have enough time or desire to cook. This creamy chicken with spinach and corn can be served with a sabory bread, french baguette is perfect for it. As first dish may be pasta seasoned only with olive oil and chopped parsley. Imprimir Pollo en crema con espinacas y elote. Receta Autor:: Mary Soco - cocinamuyfacil.com Categoría: Chicken Cocina / Cuisine: Mexican Tiempo de Preparación:  10 mins Tiempo de Cocción:  20 mins Tiempo Total:  30 mins Porciones: 4   Ingredientes / Ingredients 2 halfs of chicken breasts, skinless and boneless 2 bunches spinach, [...]

2020-02-09T14:52:00-06:00By |chicken|

Mexican pizza. Recipe | cocinamuyfacil.com

Like burgers, pizza is one of those foods I prefer to cook at home, and it is really simple to make, much cheaper, and also more flavorful. Sometimes, I make whole wheat, and many other with all-purpose flour. For the topping or filling, usually I use what I have in the pantry, unless it has already been in my plans to make pizza. A coouple of weeks ago, I made this version of mexican pizza, I've added hamburger meat that we bought in the supermarket to try, as usual, we ended up staying with homemade burgers, but if you don't have this type of prepared meat, just use ground meat. About the baking pizza sheet, you will notice in the pictures that I have not [...]

2020-02-09T14:52:00-06:00By |Meat|

Plum almond tart. Recipe

When it comes to making desserts, I always like to add some fruit to them, because there's nothing that gives so much magic to a food such as fresh fruit. In late spring an summer, it's easy to find in our markets red plums, a fruit that is very juicy. And, although I usually prefer to eat them fresh, I can not deny that baked is exquisite, and as example, this plum almond tart. Imprimir Tarta almendrada de ciruela. Receta Autor:: Mary Soco - cocinamuyfacil.com Categoría: Desserts Tiempo de Preparación:  15 mins Tiempo de Cocción:  30 mins Tiempo Total:  45 mins Porciones: 8   Ingredientes / Ingredients To the shortcrust pastry 200 grams of flour 1 pinch of salt 100 grams of butter 3 tablespoons ice water 1 [...]

2020-02-09T14:52:01-06:00By |Cakes and Pies, Desserts|

Spinach stuffed potato roll. Recipe

Now you know, I love trying new recipes, and am of those who believes that eating healthy does not have to be boring, and that's just what I found in this recipe for spinach stuffed potato roll, inspired by the book Cocina Saludable de Doña Lupita, recipe that I modified to reduce some amounts of fat, intensify the flavor of the main ingredients and ensure that the puree will not break when spooled . It is a dish that can serve us to accompany any grilled meat, or we can serve as starter for a three-course meal,  I really enjoyed to serve it with chicken in olives sauce because fresh parsley contrast with the texture and flavor of the stew. Imprimir Spinach stuffed potato roll. Recipe Autor:: Mary [...]

2020-02-09T14:52:01-06:00By |Vegetables|

Chocolate chip cookies. Recipe

I know a few people who do not like chocolate, and many that fascinates them, and just to them, the chocolate chip cookies are their favorite. Today, there are several commercial brands of cookies to choose from. They are for example, Nabisco's Chips Ahoy, Marinela's Triki-Trakes and Gamesa's Chokis. And while they are a quick option to give us a taste, nothing like  homemade chocolate chip cookies. And the truth is to cook them is not complicated, has its own charm and gives you the advantage of making them healthier and even decide if you want them softer or crispier. The recipe I show you today, carries in his ingredients natural oats, so we reduce the amount of flour without losing flavor and without we notice [...]

2020-02-09T14:52:02-06:00By |Desserts|