I have notice, dear readers, that you like desserts too much. Me too!, so I’ll tray to post desserts more often, sweet recipes that make us easier to handle our day. Today, I share with you the recipe for a traditional Mexican dessert that everybody loves: the cream cheese flan.

Cream cheese flan. Recipe | cocinamuyfacil.com/en/

It’s a really refreshing dessert, perfect to serve in any season, but also, it’s a really easy dessert to prepare. We can do it in the oven, in the pressure cooker or even on the stove top if we hadn’t an opportunity to cook it with other options.

Cream cheese flan. Recipe | cocinamuyfacil.com/en/

At home, I usually do it in a flan ring with lid, but we can also occupy the same recipe to make individual portions, although in that case we may require a little more sugar for caramel.

Speaking of caramel, I must say that, as is easy to do, it is also so easy to burn, so the recommendation is to have special attention during preparation. It is also important to be careful, and if you have children, avoid being near while you prepare or manipulate it, as a burn of caramel is very dangerous.

Cream cheese flan. Recipe | cocinamuyfacil.com/en/

Flan de queso crema. Receta
Cocina / Cuisine: Mexican
Porciones: 8
Ingredientes / Ingredients
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 can evaporated milk
  • 190 grams of cream cheese
  • 8 organic free-range eggs
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla
  • ½ cup sugar
Preparación / Directions
  1. We start making a sugar caramel. To do this, we will spread the sugar in a pan and put it over medium-low heat. Without moving, we wait until the sugar dissolves and take a lightly browned color. When ready, remove from the heat and carefully transfer to a flan ring o ramekins, trying to cover the background.
  2. Next, in a blender add the other ingredients: eggs, condensed milk, evaporated milk, cream cheese, and vanilla. We will process this until get a smooth mixture without lumps of cheese.
  3. Empty the mixture into the flan ring or ramekins and cover with foil. Put into the pressure cooker, on a rack, and add hot water, ensuring that it will not rise more than half of the mold.
  4. Let cook for 30 minutes after the pot reaches its pressure point. We can also bake in a water bath at 180ºC for 1 hour with 20 minutes if you are using a large mold, or 45 minutes if using individual ramekins.
Cream cheese flan. Recipe | cocinamuyfacil.com/en/

Seeing these tantalizing photographs, again I admire the beauty of the work of Mexican artisans. In the photo above, I used a plate produced by the talented artisans of Puebla; in the photo below, simply decorated platter made by tonaltecas hands that I bought earlier this year. Both they invited to rediscover, to evaluate, to use and to promote not only our cuisine but also our Mexican culture.

Cream cheese flan. Recipe | cocinamuyfacil.com/en/

As with cakes, biscuits and some cookies, we can verify that or flan is ready when a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. If it isn’t ready, we cover again with foil, add more hot water if necessary and continue cooking.

To unmold, resist to do it as soon as is ready. I recommend to let it cool, otherwise our flan may lose the shape or split to much on top.

Cream cheese flan. Recipe | cocinamuyfacil.com/en/

Finally, to serve this cream cheese flan, I decorated with a previously sugar macerated strawberries, and  a few sprigs of mint. It’s perfect to serve after dinner or with the mid-afternoon coffee.

Bon Appetite!