Mexican food is one of the most recognized in the world, is rich in ingredients, textures, flavors and aromas. Discover the best authentic Mexican food recipes
Mexican Shredded Beef Salad
The warm season has already arrived throughout the country, and even though the weather has played a trick on us with some untimely rains and hailstorms, not characteristic of this time, we can't deny that we've stowed away our coats and moved away from piping hot dishes in favor of salads, refreshing dishes, and cold desserts. Hence, I felt the urge to prepare this mexican shredded beef salad, a recipe that showcases the significant influence of Spanish cuisine on Mexican cooking. Let's remember that beef was introduced to Mexico during the era of the conquistadors. The Spanish-originated beef "salpicón," made with chopped beef and bacon, dressed with oil and vinegar, is somewhat akin to the mexican shredded beef salad we know in our country. Our [...]