It’s summer, and it seems nothing more at this time that refreshing desserts. Months ago, when I published the recipe of lemon pie with Marías crackers, you asked me for the recipe of lemon pie with cream cheese, and there’s no better days to do it that these.  Again, it’s a dessert that does not need to turn on the oven and requires few ingredients.

Lemon pie with cream cheese |

Top it off, the main mix is made it in a blender, making it more easier. To the pie crust, some of you will want to add a couple of tablespoons of sugar. This time, I didn’t, because the contrast of condensed milk and lemon is well accompanied by a crust that has not greater pretensions.

Lemon pie with cream cheese |

Lemon pie with cream cheese. Recipe
Categoría: Desserts
Tiempo de Preparación: 
Tiempo de Cocción: 
Tiempo Total: 
Porciones: 8
Ingredientes / Ingredients
  • 1 package of Marias crackers
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 1 package of granulated unsweetened gelatin
  • 8 lemons
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 190 g of cream cheese
  • 1 cup of skim milk
  • 1 cup of water
Preparación / Directions
  1. First thing we do is crush the Marias crackers. For this, we can do it with a food processor or, putting them in a resealable plastic bag and then crush them with a wooden pin.
  2. Then we melt the butter in a pan, taking care not to burn it, or in the microware.
  3. Now we will form the pie crust. For it, combine cracker crumbs and butter until have a dough with sandy texture, with which we cover a springform cake pan. Be careful of well press the crackers dough, so it does not fall apart before serving. Once you've covered the pan, put in the refrigerator.
  4. time to hydrate the gelatin. To do this, empty the contents of the packet into a cup of water, let stand 10 minutes to fluff and then heat it in a bain Marie (or 30 seconds in the microware) until it is liquid.
  5. In blender, place the juice of 8 lemons, condensed milk, skim milk and cream cheese. Without turning off the blender, add threadlike the gelatine.
  6. Finally, pour the mixture over the crust an refrigerate until set. Decorate with lemon slices

Once you try this lemon pie with cream cheese I’m sure that it will become to be one of your favorites. Its texture is smooth and creamy with a fresh taste and the perfect touch of lemon without it being very intense.

Lemon pie with cream cheese |

To give a better look, you can sprinkle on top a little lemon zest before serving, but not overdo it, otherwise its bitter taste will be the predominant.

Bon appetit!