Usually, all of us relate the word salad to diet. But this is not exactly correct. The salads are much more than a diet, they are a way to include healthy foods in our diet. The advantage of them, depending on the ingredients it takes, the diner and the time that are served, they can be served as a single dish, as accompanying of the main course, as a starter or as a final dish.

 Ham and cheese salad. Recipe |

This time I share with you the recipe for a simple and light ham and cheese salad, which is perfect to serve at lunch or dinner, and takes such simple ingredients like lettuce, ham, cheese, potatoes and nuts to give it a crispy touch.

 Ham and cheese salad. Recipe |

Ensalada de jamón y queso. Receta
Categoría: Salads
Tiempo de Preparación: 
Tiempo de Cocción: 
Tiempo Total: 
Porciones: 4
Ingredientes / Ingredients
  • 100 gr. romaine lettuce
  • 100 gr. iceberg lettuce
  • 100 gr. York ham
  • 4 cambray potatoes
  • 100 gr. fresh cheese or panela cheese
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • ¼ cup walnuts
Preparación / Directions
  1. In a saucepan with water and salt, bring to boil cambray potatoes until tender. Then drain them, remove skin and cut into cubes.
  2. Clean and disinfect the lettuces. Separate sheets before washing. Once disinfected, drain and dry them preferably with a paper towel. Then cut them coarsely and place in a bowl.
  3. Add the ham cut into strips, sliced cheese and potatoes.
  4. In a small bowl place together the white vinager, olive oil, salt and pepper and whisk with a fork until emulsified.
  5. Season the ham and cheese salad with the vinaigrette and sprinkle with chopped nuts on top.
 Ham and cheese salad. Recipe |

It is really amazing how with a few simple ingredients we can make a good salad. The acidity of white vinegar combined with the creaminess that adds olive oil, will make this ham and cheese salad be frequently repeated in your table.

If you do not have romaine or iceberg lettuce, use only the variety of lettuce you have on hand; if you do not have nuts, search on your pantry any other options: pistachios, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and even sesame seeds.

Remember that the York ham provides a lot of nutrients, including iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, plus protein and a low content of fat and calories, but some cholesterol, so do not overdo ! Of course, maybe you can try leg ham or turkey breast. Sure will be outstanding.

Bon Appetite!