The best easy recipes for cooking all year even when we have no time
Chicken and broccoli pasta salad Recipe
The following recipe of chicken salad that I will share with you, is one of my favorites, the reason: it is a complete meal. In Mexico, you usually eat first a soup or a pasta and then a stew, but with this pasta salad with chicken and brocoli you have everything in one dish. In addition, the combination of its main ingredients pasta, chicken, broccoli, and pepper results in a true delight when you add a little cream at the time of serving. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Imprimir Ensalada de pasta con pollo y brócoli. Receta Autor:: Mary Soco - Categoría: Ensaladas Cocina / Cuisine: Mexicana Tiempo de Preparación: 20 mins Tiempo de Cocción: 15 mins Tiempo Total: 35 mins Porciones: 4 [...]