Discover a simple, healthy and yummy dish is sometimes a difficult task. Some people mistakenly think that eating healthy is synonymous with boring food and this chicken in olives sauce is a good example of the opposite.

Again, this is a recipe with few ingredientes, in which the stars are green olives. Depending on each person’s taste, add more or less of olives; surely more than one would simply use a simple jar of olives, but at home we really like them, so I had to use two.

chicken in olive sauce |

Chicken in olive sauce. Recipe
Categoría: Chicken
Cocina / Cuisine: Mexican
Tiempo de Preparación: 
Tiempo de Cocción: 
Tiempo Total: 
Porciones: 6
Ingredientes / Ingredients
  • 6 pieces of skinless chicken
  • 2 jars of green pitted olives
  • 1 white onion
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon of chicken broth powder
  • Salt and pepper
Preparación / Directions
  1. In a saucepan, heat up 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the chicken pieces previously seasoned with salt and pepper. Once browned on both sides, cover the pan and cook over low heat until done, at which time we will draw from the saucepan and reserve.
  2. While chicken is cooking, boil the tomatoes. Once cooked withdraw their skin with water and chicken broth powder.
  3. We add the other tablespoon of olive oil to the pan along with the onion cut into crescents and drained olives. When the onion begins to transparent, add the tomato sauce using a colander and when begin to boil, we add the chicken again.
  4. Then, cover and cook over low heat for 20 minutes until chicken is tender and sauce is reduced.
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We know that chicken is one of the most noble meats, and in order to do this dish is a success, we have to allow enough cooking time, to achieve proper tender and absorb the flavor of the tomatoes and olives oils released into saucepan.

The tomato sauce serves us in part as a palate cleanser and give juiciness to the meat, allowing us to enjoy every one of the olives.

Bon Appetite!